Supplemental Sponsor Information

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As a Gold sponsor, you will have the exclusive chance to shape the discourse on critical issues in online education. In these 50-minute “Digital Dialogues” sessions, you'll facilitate an interactive discussion with attendees around a key online learning challenge. With the support of our conference team and a skilled moderator, you will have the freedom to select a focus area for the discussion, and guide attendees in exploring potential solutions. Whether it's addressing low engagement in group work or finding effective strategies to encourage students to read course materials, you will have the opportunity to highlight how you might partner with instructors to help support meaningful student learning.

As a Platinum sponsor, you will have the exclusive chance to shape the discourse on critical issues in online education. In these 50-minute “Digital Dialogues” sessions, you'll facilitate an interactive discussion with attendees around a key online learning challenge. With the support of our conference team and a skilled moderator, you will have the freedom to select a focus area for the discussion, and guide attendees in exploring potential solutions. Whether it's addressing low engagement in group work or finding effective strategies to encourage students to read course materials, you will have the opportunity to highlight how you might partner with instructors to help support meaningful student learning.